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  • Writer's pictureLily


This post will be dipped in all the spices and none that make sure you will enjoy company with your partner but the spice that leaves you in the bathroom for the whole night.

I have been "studying" astrology for 8 years roughly... light study, I didn't hop in a certified stamp of approval program. Let me tell you as a basic bitch with a nibble of knowledge of astrology and the ancient connections it has offered older civilizations, it is life changing.

Lately, I have been following closely to the planetary changes and how it effects the energy that makes up my body I was born into. Think of it in relation to magnets being near each other, whichever ones come together have beneficial transactions. The ones that try to fly across the room when brought near each other can have detrimental effects for those placements. Well that brings me to this damn new fucking crabby CANCER moon.

Here is Cancer's dating bio (June 21- July 22)

Element: Water

Quality: Cardinal (parent/adult/1st)

Symbol: Crab

Personality: compassionate, loyal, protective, and creative

  • Sits in the 4th house

    • family, home, past life, ancestry, roots, foundation of you

  • Associated with moon

    • emotions, instincts, subconscious, intuition

New moons bring in new! This also means that whatever is not working, clean that closet out before your skeletons push that door open. Spend time figuring if what you have going on inside and outside is really working before you keep trying to grow a dead garden.

Now the new moon in Cancer is similar in nature to getting pregnant. The amount of energy and force it takes to reproduce cells to create something that will eventually be living and breathing. If you have ever been around a pregnant woman, were or are pregnant than you know first-hand that shit is emotional for everyone... ESPECIALLY the mom. Imagine carrying all that burden all at once without a baby... it is INTENSE. That is what this moon brought to us on July 5th, 2024. It hits everyone differently; also depends on what other signs you have in the 4th house and where cancer is in the chart.

I will give you my placements as an example:

Cancer in chiron and mars in the second house

4th house (cancer home) has virgo moon and south node

Reminder: basic bitch astrology- not in-depth...**not an expert.

**Just professionally obsessed**

New Moon in Cancer: Impact on Your Chart

1. Mars in Cancer in the 2nd House:

  • Mars in Cancer: Mars in Cancer can bring a blend of emotional drive and protective instincts. You might feel motivated to secure your emotional and physical needs, especially related to home and family.

  • 2nd House: This house is about personal finances, values, and self-worth. The New Moon can inspire you to set new financial goals, reassess your values, and take action to ensure your material security.

Impact: The New Moon in Cancer can enhance your motivation to create financial stability and security. You might feel a strong drive to protect and nurture your resources, aligning them with your emotional needs and values.

2. Chiron in the 2nd House:

  • Chiron: Known as the "wounded healer," Chiron represents areas where you have deep wounds but also the potential for great healing.

  • 2nd House: Chiron here suggests past wounds related to self-worth, finances, or material security.

Impact: The New Moon in Cancer offers an opportunity to heal financial or self-worth issues. It’s a good time to set intentions for overcoming past wounds and building a stronger sense of self-value and financial security.

3. Virgo Moon in the 4th House:

  • Virgo Moon: A Virgo Moon brings a need for order, routine, and practical nurturing. Emotional fulfillment comes from being helpful and maintaining an organized home environment.

  • 4th House: This house governs home, family, and your emotional foundation.

Impact: The New Moon in Cancer can prompt you to focus on creating a nurturing and orderly home life. You might feel compelled to take practical steps to improve your living space, enhance family relationships, and establish routines that support your emotional well-being.

4. South Node in Virgo in the 4th House:

  • South Node: Represents past life experiences and habits that you are comfortable with but need to move beyond.

  • Virgo in the 4th House: Indicates past tendencies to focus on perfectionism and practicality within the home and family.

Impact: The New Moon in Cancer encourages you to let go of overly critical or perfectionist tendencies in your home life. Instead, focus on nurturing, emotional connections, and creating a supportive environment. This can help you move towards your North Node (destiny) by balancing your practical needs with emotional nurturing.

NEEDless to say, it was a struggle. dealing with trauma based in family and money dipped in past life memories. I will even go as far to say that these suffering traumas that need healing are similar to someone with BDP or related conditions of the mind. Yes, I said what I said. The internal struggles between past life ambitions, healing placements like CHIRON "WOUNDED HEALER" screams I see all my suffering in front of me and I am ready to move on but how do I stop spinning on this cycle? It is torment to be so aware while equally not knowing how to take control back over yourself. Being trapped inside your body but you are not driving the wheel.

This is a pivot energy to tap into this pain healing process. As I showed you in part of my chart, I have struggled with financial security, self-worth and keeping everything together both from past life and this one. I spent a life in a military family as the youngest, so essentially, I was raised to be a good solider. It is a gift and a curse when you are old enough to witness and emotionally understand everything and yet too young to do anything with it but shove those feelings deep inside.

Family is everything, I thought.... until family used my strong attachment to take advantage of my love and my desire for theirs... to be accepted... to be cared for... to be wanted. It drove me to make stupid mistakes in relationships due to this wound, " IF I AM NOT ABSOLUTELY PERFECT, then I won't be loved". I know I am not alone in this feeling. BUT also this is not a sob story so no Melanie Martinez's "Pity Party".

Flash forward: 7/5/24

The moon brought out shadows I was not willing to face yet. Oddly, it was a shadow that I have been living in my whole life. For the first time the cold warmth of the moonlight illuminated the Star within. I spent all my life hiding behind other people and taking care of those around me whether emotionally or physically. Not allowing myself to be seen, heard or fully letting others experience me.

In this raw moment, I was forced to see my reflection as I really am and not what I was grown to believe. The whispers in the back of my mind began to disappear as my voice began to growl above the silence. My ancestors, guides and deities started to barrel in like a tsunami. As the connection came back in, I came to a realization... well may realizations actually. ONE important message came through........

Your fear is not your own but the emotions of others you have collected along the way. Only thieves keep what is not theirs and you my child are no thief. Release what is theirs, find yourself in the rumble. A castle you build will never crumble. You have been putting pieces together creating blankets of trauma to sleep in. The ABYSS is a place you sleep with to create new energies... do not stay and absorb what is meant to flow through. Flow like the waves, allow yourself to feel love from yourself.

As I look through my past with a bird's eye view unknown to me, I see EVERYthing.. OMG I finally see it all... I am flawed but damn I am beauty. The treacherous waters were never the problem. I was not a problem and yet I became one for myself when I stopped see my worth. Why was it so hard to appreciate my resilience and persistence? Was it really suppressed? Was I so exhausted with proving my worth in this world that I just gave in to the voice while still pushing forward? What the fuck kind of life was that? I understood that there was being humble and not allowing yourself to be proud of your milestones in life. I hadn't really allowed myself to gloat on all I have been through and remaining steadfast into the future for a better me.

I walked out of the past with less of me, an ethereal version I have only dreamed of. The moonbeams cleansing my spirit as I gave her permission to set me free from all of it. Allowing myself to feel safe in my spirituality and those I work with.

For the first time, I felt accepted by myself and willingly gave an open line to receive. My biggest wound of trust in others was broken in that moment when I allowed myself to see that the spirits who reside on the other side of veil have always protected me. Now I cannot go back, apologizes being dished out in buffet form. Only getting grace and compassion in return.

**Inhales the night air***

Life enters back in my lungs, and I feel like Pandora reborn without deceit or jealousy.

K. Hinojosa


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