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Day 1: Mithras - The Enigmatic Savior


Welcome to "Exploring Deities of December," a 15-day journey into the intriguing world of deities associated with this special month. As we embark on this spiritual voyage, we begin with Day 1 and the enigmatic deity Mithras, whose story bears intriguing similarities to that of Jesus.

Mithras: A Divine Enigma

Mithras, also known as Mithra, is a deity shrouded in mystery, with origins tracing back to ancient Persia. His worship eventually made its way to the Roman Empire, where it became entwined with various esoteric traditions, most notably the Mithraic Mysteries.

Origins in Persia

In the heart of Zoroastrianism, one of the world's oldest religions, Mithras emerged as a divine figure associated with the sun, light, and truth. Within Zoroastrianism, Mithra was revered as a mediator between the supreme god, Ahura Mazda, and humanity.

The Roman Connection

Around the 1st century CE, Mithras' worship found its way into the Roman Empire, captivating soldiers and elites. The Mithraic Mysteries, a secretive and initiatory cult, took root during this period. Devotees believed that Mithras bestowed them with strength, courage, and protection.

Iconography and Symbolism

Mithras is often portrayed as a young man slaying a sacred bull, a potent symbol of the triumph of light (Mithras) over darkness (the bull) and the cycle of renewal. The twelve signs of the zodiac and solstices played a crucial role in Mithraic iconography.

Initiation and Transformation

The Mithraic Mysteries were renowned for their rigorous initiation process, designed to bring about spiritual and ethical transformation. These rituals symbolized the soul's journey towards higher consciousness and enlightenment.

Cosmic Significance

Mithras' connection to the sun and celestial realms underscores his cosmic importance. He was closely associated with Sol Invictus, the invincible sun god. Mithraic worship occurred in underground temples known as Mithraea, signifying the ascent towards enlightenment and the light of truth.


Mithras, our deity of Day 1, embodies the essence of light, truth, and transformation. His journey from Persian origins to Roman prominence mirrors the enduring human quest for spiritual enlightenment and cosmic connection. As we embark on this 15-day exploration of deities related to December, Mithras invites us to delve deeper into the mysteries of existence and embark on a spiritual journey that transcends time and space.

Stay tuned for Day 2 of "Exploring Deities of December" as we continue to uncover the fascinating stories of deities associated with this special month. This is Scott signing out.


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