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Day 10: Befana - The Italian Gift-Giving Witch


Welcome to Day 10 of "Exploring Deities of December." Today, we journey to Italy to meet Befana, a beloved and unique figure in Italian folklore who brings gifts to children during the holiday season.

Befana: The Italian Gift-Giving Witch

Befana is a popular character in Italian folklore, especially during the holiday season. She is often referred to as the "Christmas Witch" or the "Good Witch of Christmas" and plays a distinctive role in Italian celebrations.

Legend of Befana

The legend of Befana dates back centuries and is celebrated on the night of January 5th, on the eve of the Epiphany, known as "La Befana." According to the legend, Befana was an old woman who lived in a small village. She was known for her kindness and hospitality.

One night, the Three Wise Men (the Magi) stopped at her house while following the star to find the baby Jesus. They invited Befana to join them on their journey, but she declined, saying she was too busy with housework. Later, she regretted her decision and tried to catch up with the Magi, bringing gifts for the baby Jesus. However, she never found them.

Befana's Tradition and Celebration

To this day, the story of Befana is commemorated in Italy with a special tradition. On the night of January 5th, children hang stockings or stockings-like socks by the fireplace, hoping that Befana will visit their homes. Befana, depicted as a kind, elderly witch, is believed to enter homes through the chimney and leave small gifts, candies, and treats for good children. For those who have been naughty, she may leave a piece of coal or dark candy.

Symbolism of Befana

Befana represents the spirit of giving and generosity during the holiday season. Her character embodies the belief that it's never too late to show kindness and share gifts. She also serves as a reminder of the importance of humility and the joy of giving without expecting anything in return.


Befana, the Italian gift-giving witch, adds a unique and heartwarming touch to the holiday season in Italy. Her story and tradition emphasize the values of kindness, generosity, and the joy of giving, making her a cherished figure for both children and adults.

As we continue our exploration of deities related to December, Befana invites us to embrace the spirit of giving and to remember that acts of kindness can brighten the darkest of nights. Join us tomorrow for Day 11 of "Exploring Deities of December."


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