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Day 7: Lucia - The Bringer of Light in Swedish Tradition


On Day 7 of "Exploring Deities of December," we shift our focus to a Swedish tradition centered around Lucia, a beloved figure who symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness during the darkest days of winter.

Lucia: The Light-Bearer of Sweden

Lucia, often referred to as "Saint Lucy" in English, is a figure celebrated in Sweden on December 13th, Lucia Day, in a tradition that dates back to the 18th century. She is not a deity in the traditional sense, but her role as a bringer of light and hope during the dark Scandinavian winters has made her an iconic figure in Swedish culture.

The Celebration of Lucia Day

Lucia Day is a celebration of light, music, and goodwill. It marks the beginning of the Christmas season in Sweden. In the early morning hours, young girls dressed in white robes with red sashes and wreaths of candles on their heads, symbolizing the radiance of light, sing traditional songs and serve saffron buns and ginger cookies to their families and communities.

Lucia's Historical Origins

The origin of Lucia Day and its connection to the Christian saint is a subject of debate. Some believe that Lucia is based on a fusion of Christian and pre-Christian traditions, while others suggest that she is linked to the Italian Saint Lucy, who was known for her kindness and aid to the poor. Regardless of her origins, Lucia embodies the spirit of generosity and light.

Symbolism of Light and Hope

Lucia's role as a light-bearer reflects the universal human desire for hope and warmth during the dark winter months. Her appearance reminds us of the power of light to dispel darkness, both literally and metaphorically.


Lucia, the bringer of light and hope in Swedish tradition, represents a celebration of illumination during the darkest days of the year. While she may not be a deity in the traditional sense, her role as a symbol of light and goodwill resonates with the universal human quest for hope and warmth during the winter season.

As we continue our exploration of deities related to December, Lucia invites us to embrace the light within ourselves and share it with others, spreading warmth and kindness during this special time of year. Join us tomorrow for Day 8 of "Exploring Deities of December."


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