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Masquerading the Shadows

Masquerades were once the Victorian Carnival Daisy of the 1900s. Drugs, alcohol, explicit behavior all acceptable to the naked eye at homes large enough to fit a homeless shelter.

What was the purpose though? Is there something underneath this normal event that is not spoken of largely? If you study the behavior of them, you begin to see patterns unraveling like a cat to yarn. The depth of the silent conversations their energies were having that words struggle to muster. Our physical desires all jammed into a single place to display the raw feelings outwardly only to never understand them.

They say emotions cloud judgement, and yet these individuals rarely doubted their desires. It was a primal response to hunt them down till satiated. Only to find others lost in the same lustful cycle of never being taught to communicate the true desires the emotions were trying to relay. Masks we were today are more visible, however the story still remains just as true.

Our masks always seem to keep a safe distance from the primal energy that was shamed out of generations only for us to be forced to feel them through to the other side.

This is especially true for those born under Pluto in Scorpio. The energy they were born into gave them a task in life that requires a grit not drug could fool us into. Collectively these people will be put the ringer as they are so dipped into the wells of the occult and spiritual means of life whether they are aware of this or not.

It is an unbreakable drive to see the truth and see beyond the veil of everything. The energy is so intense it demands respect when it walks in a room. That is why so many who deal with this are usually hated and betrayed so often.

How long could someone stand next to a vibration of the soul that rips beyond the mask of another forcing them to see their own existence. The claustrophobia seeps into their energy fields being tested through the quick puncture of the poisonous tail injecting a truth serum. How honest are you? How much do you project? These are the questions the Scorpio will ask you.

Mask were meant to be fun and mysterious, but no soul can escape the clutch of Death's touch when you are being ripped into a new rabbit hole.🕳️

Most who have come accustomed to parade their false identity so encountering this brings fear and obsession. Will you over your own "darkness" or will you be succumbed to it's advances?

A trail of thought leads into a train of possibilities. What really is beyond that iceberg you carry under the surface?Why do you hide behind an image for others? Am I really anger or is my heart trying to tell me what I cherish? Feelings burning under the chest being trapped in a locked box screaming to escape.

A reverse Pandora's Box if you will. Believing letting the creatures in the box will create havoc and discord only to see our mirror was inverted. Those creatures in the box were innocence, unconditional love, passion, and peace.

Healing from the past for some means that they need to unlearn the behaviors "masks" that created the void of the emotional being today. Patterns just like masquerades can be fun for a ride but eventually if it doesn't fit your heart's desire in the deepest chambers than it to will be a violent spiritual death and rebirth. A DARK NIGHT OF THE SOUL.

If you want to hear on shadow work, subscribe to our mailing list for monthly blog post. If this reading sparked interest in practicing shadow work with a professional practitioner to help guide you feel free to book a reading or consultation. The world only heals when we trim off the dead parts.


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