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  • Writer's pictureLily

Why me?

Today's blog is going to talk about the woman's/feminine intuition and how deeply connected it allows someone (no matter the gender) flow through the world. I have come across so many people ESPECIALLY those who identify as a woman who have lost their touch and ability to connect emotions to decision making, even me. Intuition by definition, is the the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

Here is where it gets a little hairy because when shit is all haywire high tension, it is easy to mistake the emotions vomiting out as intuition. Usually because we feel it so intensely that it must be right.

WRONG. This mindset has gotten me and so many others in wrong places wrong time type of situations and if you're reading this you're probably one of them as well.

That's life, it's a journey and whatever other Hallmark saying you want to slap on to this bullshit of an experience. Some of us are lucky and catch this before it becomes too damaging, others catch it after it damaged everything and the rest .. well they never catch it and die damaged.

This "touch" requires focusing less on waiting on for others around us to be trusted and keep us safe... Because we needed that as children and didn't receive it in one fashion or another. Since most of us are grown up, at least in the physical sense, and enough emotionally, if you are self aware of your limitations mentally.

This is a deep dive without swimming lessons into "HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO TRUST MYSELF AGAIN" shame game. For this to heal, it is a give and take of being angry with yourself for letting these things slip, not seeing that thing happen and the ol' fashion .. " what did I see in that person". The portion of self criticism usually takes hold here before moving on to grieving the person you wanted to be or the dreams you were trying to accomplish but not seeing you were on the wrong side of the road.

Intuition gets to take the front seat, IF YOU ALLOW IT. I mean it, you have to allow yourself to learn that you have a safe space inside yourself. You have to accept you are the safe space after accepting you were not a safe space for yourself when these events took place and you chose against your intuition.

Your intuition in reality is that friend who is probably too blunt but only has your best interest at heart. You know, the one who tells you when something is off or someone is a dirt bag even if they don't know them. Yeah.. that's your intuition. It doesn't speak with words, just feelings.. strong sensations that take a hold of a person. Given the right circumstances ( or very wrong ), it can almost feel like a gut punch forcing all your attention to your stomach as it drops.

That voice that gives the advice we didn't ask for and probably don't want to hear 🙉. That's it. When we don't listen to it, it feels like a punishment. Sometimes, honestly, that can push us from wanting to listen because of shame, guilt and/or embarrassment. In turn, the intuition was the best friend trying to help us avoid a whole heap of steamy crap that we didn't need to add to the PTSD bank account.

If you take away one this from this blog today, I want you to understand this process is delicate and should be taken in with care and patience. This time for yourself. We make mistakes all the time, beating yourselves up over the mistakes turns into a vicious cycle of self sabotage and masochism. Mistakes should be seen as inconclusive data and to look for a new direction to find the solution.

There are small steps we can take to learn how to trust the intuition. It can help to find a mentor or guide who can help you through discerning the energies. Whether this is coming to us or finding someone who aligns with your needs. There is always a way out of mental distress.


Lite Bulb
Lite Bulb
May 30

Great article! You certainly don't pull any punches, and I think that's just wonderful. I've had many issues with my addictions, but one of the biggest ones is the fact I feel like I can't trust my intuition. Mine is inconveniently persistent and alarmingly accurate, I think, but because I've been feeding my addictions for so many years instead I've trained myself not to trust it. Never knowing what steps to take in life, or constantly second guessing myself on even the tiniest of decisions or feelings.

May 30
Replying to

You're already half way there to unlearning that habit .

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